The Program

Water is alive

70% of the world’s living wildlife is below the surface of the Ocean.


Learn about Marine Ecology and Marine Environment through classroom sessions, field trips and films. Learn to Shoot, Edit and Produce professional Underwater Movies, Learn Underwater Photography. Take home a host of amazing and unique skills that look awesome on your resume, or use your new qualifications to travel the world as an underwater Filmmaker or Photographer.  

You will learn scuba diving out in the blue ocean with fellow students and a professional team of scuba divers, filming the beauty of the underwater world. You will take your footage back to the editing suites and begin an afternoon of editing, experimenting and collaborating to create beautiful underwater movies.  

You will get numerous chances to interact with popular underwater Divers, Cinematographers, Scientists, Researchers and other such professionals from the same field and share experiences.  

All students are assessed for safety, as well as for buoyancy skills, as this helps you to lower your environmental impact on marine life and shoot better videos. Participants will become experts in Diving, Research, Writing, Editing films, Photography among other vital skills. There will be an assessment procedure. Students will have to write a thesis or a paper with pics etc. and make a proper documentary of 30 Minutes Duration at the end of the programme. We do all of this while only having fun. Research shows us that we do far better when we are having fun while learning. The best Films and Thesis will be awarded a Cash prize and a Certificate from our leading partner institutes.

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